Brittany BrownSmall business owner Super Power: COMMUNICATION ‘I’d like to ensure that the CCGOP is the hub of the conservative community, actively including all other Chatham County Republican organizations and regularly engaging with CCGOP members and our greater community.” |
First Vice Chairman Marc MoyerAttorney Super Power: STRATEGIC PLANNING “I intend to help guide the CCGOP in becoming a force for conservative values.” |
Second Vice Chairman
Jeri GibbsAttorney, writer/public speaker Super Power: COMMUNITY BUILDING “Joined together, conservatives are a force to be reckoned with. I will put my energies toward connecting conservatives.” |
Third Vice Chairman Ben AdamsSmall business owner & Audio/Visual expert for events Super Power: CALM, COOL AND COLLECTED UNDER PRESSURE "I plan on showing the diversity and unity that exists within out party. Leading by example as someone who makes a difference in the community." |
Secretary Sheryl GaySuper Power: PROBLEM SOLVING |
Assistant Secretary Carol TeasleyRisk Manager, Data Analyst Super Power: ORGANIZING DATA “I will carefully organize and manage CCGOP’s data, including membership and voter rolls. I will also ensure the timely distribution of materials. No organization can be effective without having this information at its fingertips in a useful format”. |
Treasurer Sharon LundinAccountant (retired) Super Power: ATTENTION TO DETAIL “In addition to assisting with the financial records, I will bring patience and tenacity to the implementation of CCGOP’s conservative causes. Much can be accomplished with a like-minded team." |
Assistant Treasurer Faye FernandezESOL Teacher (Teaching English to speakers of other languages) Super Power: HISPANIC OUTREACH "I am Truly grateful to be able to serve and to represent the Hispanic community!" |
Give us a call at 912.356.3800